Join us at the Maverik Center in West Valley, UT for all of the fun and excitement of this robotics sporting event. Over forty high school teams from nine states (AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, SD, UT, WY) come to test their robot designs in this season’s game, Crescendo.

Exhibitors and vendors are invited to table on STEM Row on Friday, March 14th from 9am-4pm and Saturday, March 15th from 9am-2pm on the Level 2  Mezzanine in the Maverik Center.

Register for an exhibit table below.  A FIRST® representative will contact you to confirm your attendance and send you more details prior to the event. Please contact Kelly Pearson with any questions.

Maximum upload size: 51.2MB
Contact to pay by check.
Terms and Conditions
• Registration fees are non-refundable
• Registration fee covers all day Friday 9am-4pm, and Saturday morning 9am-2pm
• Meals are not provided but may be purchased at the event venue or surrounding area
• Neither FIRST Utah, FIRST corporate, the Maverik Center, nor any event organizers are responsible for lost or stolen items